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The topic of sexuality and the science of mating is one thing that can never be ignored. This is a daily part of our lives and one act of life that is introduced to our children’s curriculum at a very young age.

Depending on the age of the learner, the information delivered differs a lot. One might be trained on how to abstain from sexual activities and the dangers of being sexually active. And a few years later, they will be taught on how to become a pro in the art of mating.

The angle to topic will take depends on a number of things some of which are:

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     ·     Age

For children between the ages of ten to twenty years in many parts of the world, the topic will majorly be on abstinence. They can as well be taught on the dangers of being sexually active. When these children go beyond the age of twenty, the topic will then change. The guardian will now major on education them on topics like; being faithful to one partner, how to have safe sex and so on.

·     Community beliefs and traditions

The beliefs of different communities also matter a lot when it comes to tackling the topic of mating and sexuality. This is because, for some community, children between the ages of ten to twenty years are referred to minors.

According to such communities, a minor is taught on how to maintain their purity by staying away from sexual activities. At the same age, some parents even find it hard to discuss this topic with their children as it seems like they are too young to understand.

At the same time, in some communities and especially in Africa, sexual education and the science of mating starts at twelve years. This is because; their girls are married off between the ages of twelve to twenty years. Since these girls are very innocent and have no idea of what is expected of them as wives, they are given an expert to mentor them.

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     ·     The aim 

The last point is the reason as to why one is getting involved in the sexual act in the first place. According to many female Independent escorts Chennai who are hired for sexual purposes, the reasons behind their clients hiring them are very different.

 Some clients hire escorts to prove themselves, others hire them to improve their art of mating. The last bunch is for clients who hire escorts to satisfy their sexual starvation from their spouses or girlfriends.  


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